#This is the resource bundle for the sap.ui.unified library # #XTOL: accessibility tooltip shown for the logo icon in the header of the shell control SHELL_LOGO_TOOLTIP=Logo #XTOL: Text and tooltip of the Close button of a Shell dialog window SHELL_OVERLAY_CLOSE=Close #XACT: ARIA description of the Menu control MNU_ARIA_NAME=Menu #XACT: Aria information for the Calendar dialog CALENDAR_DIALOG=Calendar #XACT: Aria information for calendar week CALENDAR_WEEK=Calendar Week #XACT: Aria information for start date CALENDAR_START_DATE=Start Date #XACT: Aria information for end date CALENDAR_END_DATE=End Date #XACT: Aria information for start month CALENDAR_START_MONTH=Start Month #XACT: Aria information for end month CALENDAR_END_MONTH=End Month #XACT: Aria information for current month CALENDAR_CURRENT_MONTH=Current Month #XACT: Aria information for start time CALENDAR_START_TIME=Start Time #XACT: Aria information for end time CALENDAR_END_TIME=End Time #XACT: Aria information for current time CALENDAR_CURRENT_TIME=Now #XBUT CALENDAR_CANCEL=Cancel #XACT CALENDAR_BTN_PREV=Previous #XACT CALENDAR_BTN_NEXT=Next #XFLD: Text for a week in week numbers row CALENDAR_DATES_ROW_WEEK_NUMBER=Week {0} #XACT CALENDAR_MONTH_PICKER_OPEN_HINT=Press F4 to select a month #XACT CALENDAR_YEAR_PICKER_OPEN_HINT=Press Shift + F4 to select a year #XACT CALENDAR_YEAR_RANGE_PICKER_OPEN_HINT=Press Shift + F4 to select a year range #XACT: Aria information for appointment APPOINTMENT=Appointment #XACT: Aria information for tentative appointment APPOINTMENT_TENTATIVE=Tentative #XBUT: File Uploader - browse button text FILEUPLOAD_BROWSE=Browse... #XACT: File Uploader - ARIA text FILEUPLOAD_ACC=Activate to Select a File #XFLD: Calendar Legend category selected LEGEND_SELECTED=Selected #XFLD: Calendar Legend category today LEGEND_TODAY=Today #XFLD: Calendar Legend category working day LEGEND_NORMAL_DAY=Working Day #XFLD: Calendar Legend category none working LEGEND_NON_WORKING_DAY=Non-Working Day #XFLD: Calendar Legend unnamed type LEGEND_UNNAMED_TYPE=Type {0} #XACT: Aria information for selected appointment APPOINTMENT_SELECTED=Selected #XTOL: Red color for the ColorPicker control COLORPICKER_RED=Red #XTOL: Green color for the ColorPicker control COLORPICKER_GREEN=Green #XTOL: Blue color for the ColorPicker control COLORPICKER_BLUE=Blue #XTOL: Color appearance parameter for the ColorPicker control COLORPICKER_HUE=Hue #XTOL: Perceived intensity of a specific color COLORPICKER_SAT=Saturation #XTOL: Value from HSV color which is cylindrical-coordinate representations of points in an RGB color model COLORPICKER_VALUE=Value #XTOL: Six symbol hexadecimal group representing CSS color hex string COLORPICKER_HEX=Hexadecimal #XTOL: Alpha chanel transparency value for RGBA color mode COLORPICKER_ALPHA=Alpha #XTOL: Lightness of the color value for HSL color mode COLORPICKER_LIGHTNESS=Lightness #XTOL: Describing two boxes one containing the old color and one containing the target color that will replace the one in the old color box COLORPICKER_NEW_OLD_COLOR=The original color will be replaced with the new color, following the arrow direction #XACT: Aria information for the ColorPicker Alpha slider COLORPICKER_ALPHA_SLIDER=Alpha control #XACT: Aria information for the ColorPicker Hue slider COLORPICKER_HUE_SLIDER=Hue control #XBUT: Toggle button for switching between the RGB and HSL/V modes COLORPICKER_TOGGLE_BTN_TOOLTIP=Toggle Color Mode #XBUT: Tooltip for the RadioButton for selecting the RGB mode COLORPICKER_SELECT_RGB_TOOLTIP=RGB Mode #XBUT: Tooltip for the RadioButton for selecting the HSL/V mode COLORPICKER_SELECT_HSL_TOOLTIP=HSL Mode #XBUT COLOR_PICKER_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT COLOR_PICKER_SUBMIT=OK #XTIT: Title shown when the Color Picker is inside dialog or popup COLOR_PICKER_TITLE=Color Picker #XACT: Text which indicates that the value of an input is in percent. COLORPICKER_PERCENTAGE=Percentage