#This is the resource bundle for the SAPUI5 sap.m library # #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader control description COLUMNHEADER_ACCESS_COLUMN_ACTIONS=Access column actions #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader filtered state announcement COLUMNHEADER_FILTERED=Filtered #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader sorted state announcement COLUMNHEADER_SORTED=Sorted #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader sort ascending state announcement COLUMNHEADER_SORTED_ASCENDING=Ascending #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader sort descending state announcement COLUMNHEADER_SORTED_DESCENDING=Descending #XBUT: tooltip text for close button in the ColumnHeaderPopover COLUMNHEADERPOPOVER_CLOSE_BUTTON=Close #XBUT: tooltip text for sort button in the ColumnHeaderPopover COLUMNHEADERPOPOVER_SORT_BUTTON=Sort #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the combo box arrow COMBOBOX_BUTTON=Select Options #XACT: ARIA announcement for Combo Box available options COMBOBOX_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS=Available Options #XBUT: Button text for ok button in the combo box (mobile version) COMBOBOX_CLOSE_BUTTON=OK #XBUT: Default title text for picker in the combo box (mobile version) COMBOBOX_PICKER_TITLE=Select #XBUT: Button text for confirmation button in the select SELECT_CONFIRM_BUTTON=Select #XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the select (mobile version) SELECT_CANCEL_BUTTON=Cancel #XBLI: List text for no data lists LIST_NO_DATA=No data #XFLD: Label for Item selection control LIST_ITEM_SELECTION=Item Selection #XACT: ARIA announcement for the controls which do not provide any accessibility info CONTROL_EMPTY=Empty #XACT: ARIA announcement for the disabled controls CONTROL_DISABLED=Disabled #XACT: ARIA announcement for the read-only controls CONTROL_READONLY=Read Only #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which allows single selections LIST_SELECTABLE=Contains Selectable Items #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which allows multiple selections LIST_MULTISELECTABLE=Contains Multi-Selectable Items #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which has deletable items LIST_DELETABLE=Contains Deletable Items #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which is grouped LIST_GROUPED=Grouped #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list when all items are selected LIST_ALL_SELECTED=All Selected #XACT: ARIA announcement for a required list (e.g. inside a form) LIST_REQUIRED=Required #XACT: ARIA announcement for the selected list item LIST_ITEM_SELECTED=Selected #XACT: ARIA announcement for a list item which is not selected LIST_ITEM_NOT_SELECTED=Not Selected #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the unread state of the list items LIST_ITEM_UNREAD=Unread #XACT: ARIA announcement for the navigable list items LIST_ITEM_NAVIGATION=Has Details #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list item details with edit option LIST_ITEM_DETAIL=Is Editable #XACT: ARIA announcement for the active clickable list items LIST_ITEM_ACTIVE=Is Active #XACT: ARIA announcement for the group header list items LIST_ITEM_GROUP_HEADER=Group Header #XACT: ARIA announcement for the position of the list items in an entire list LIST_ITEM_POSITION={0} of {1} #XACT: ARIA announcement for the position of the list item LIST_ITEM_INDEX=Item {0} #XACT: ARIA announcement for the counter property of the list item LIST_ITEM_COUNTER=Counter {0} #XACT: ARIA announcement for the information state of the list item LIST_ITEM_STATE_INFORMATION=Information #XACT: ARIA announcement for the error state of the list item LIST_ITEM_STATE_ERROR=Error #XACT: ARIA announcement for the warning state of the list item LIST_ITEM_STATE_WARNING=Warning #XACT: ARIA announcement for the success state of the list item LIST_ITEM_STATE_SUCCESS=Success #XTOL: tooltip for the delete icon of the list item LIST_ITEM_DELETE=Delete #XTOL: tooltip for the edit icon of the list item LIST_ITEM_EDIT=Edit #XACT: Aria-describedby text for Error MessageListItem. MESSAGE_LIST_ITEM_FOCUS_TEXT_LOCATION_ERROR=Press Alt+Enter to go to the error location #XACT: Aria-describedby text for Warning MessageListItem. MESSAGE_LIST_ITEM_FOCUS_TEXT_LOCATION_WARNING=Press Alt+Enter to go to the warning location #XACT: Aria-describedby text for Success MessageListItem. MESSAGE_LIST_ITEM_FOCUS_TEXT_LOCATION_SUCCESS=Press Alt+Enter to go to the success location #XACT: Aria-describedby text for Information MessageListItem. MESSAGE_LIST_ITEM_FOCUS_TEXT_LOCATION_INFORMATION=Press Alt+Enter to go to the information location #XACT: Aria-describedby text for MessageListItem when details are available. MESSAGE_LIST_ITEM_FOCUS_TEXT_DESCRIPTION=Press Enter to go to the Details page #XACT: Link aria-describedby text for MessageView type Error. MESSAGE_VIEW_LINK_FOCUS_TEXT_ERROR=Activate link to go to the error location #XACT: Link aria-describedby text for MessageView type Warning. MESSAGE_VIEW_LINK_FOCUS_TEXT_WARNING=Activate link to go to the warning location #XACT: Link aria-describedby text for MessageView type Error. MESSAGE_VIEW_LINK_FOCUS_TEXT_SUCCESS=Activate link to go to the success location #XACT: Link aria-describedby text for MessageView type Warning. MESSAGE_VIEW_LINK_FOCUS_TEXT_INFORMATION=Activate link to go to the information location #XBUT: Button text for back button on page PAGE_NAVBUTTON_TEXT=Back #XBUT: A switch is a user interface control on mobile devices that is used for change between binary states SWITCH_ON=On #XBUT: A switch is a user interface control on mobile devices that is used for change between binary states SWITCH_OFF=Off #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the accept state in the Switch control SWITCH_ARIA_ACCEPT=Accept #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the reject state in the Switch control SWITCH_ARIA_REJECT=Reject #XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the action sheet ACTIONSHEET_CANCELBUTTON_TEXT=Cancel #XACT: ARIA announcement for index of a button ACTIONSHEET_BUTTON_INDEX={0} of {1} #XACT: ARIA announcement for Action Sheet available actions ACTIONSHEET_AVAILABLE_ACTIONS=Available Actions #XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the busy dialog BUSYDIALOG_CANCELBUTTON_TEXT=Cancel #XBUT: Text for growing list - pull button to load more data LOAD_MORE_DATA=More #XBUT: Date Selection text for Date&Time Picker of MobiScroll MOBISCROLL_SET=OK #XBUT: Cancel/Close button of MobiScroll Date&Time Picker MOBISCROLL_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Month Header MOBISCROLL_MONTH=Month #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Day Header MOBISCROLL_DAY=Day #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Year Header MOBISCROLL_YEAR=Year #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Hours Header MOBISCROLL_HOURS=Hours #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Minutes Header MOBISCROLL_MINUTES=Minutes #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Seconds Header MOBISCROLL_SECONDS=Seconds #XBUT: Show Now button of MobiScroll Date&Time Picker MOBISCROLL_NOW=Now #XTOL: tooltip for open picker icon OPEN_PICKER_TEXT=Open Picker #XBUT: The navigation button text in master area in SplitContainer SPLITCONTAINER_NAVBUTTON_TEXT=Navigation #XTOL: Tooltip for navigation button SPLITCONTAINER_NAVBUTTON_DEFAULT_TOOLTIP=Show Object List #XTOL: Tooltip for navigation button SPLITCONTAINER_NAVBUTTON_TOOLTIP=Show {0} #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for OK action MSGBOX_OK=OK #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for CANCEL action MSGBOX_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for YES action MSGBOX_YES=Yes #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for No action MSGBOX_NO=No #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for ABORT action MSGBOX_ABORT=Abort #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for RETRY action MSGBOX_RETRY=Retry #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for IGNORE action MSGBOX_IGNORE=Ignore #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for CLOSE action MSGBOX_CLOSE=Close #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for DELETE action MSGBOX_DELETE=Delete #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of alert dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_ALERT=Alert #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_CONFIRM=Confirmation #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_ERROR=Error #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_INFO=Information #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_WARNING=Warning #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_SUCCESS=Success #XLNK: MessageBox textLink MSGBOX_LINK_TITLE=View Details #YINS,30: Pull down to refresh text in the hidden area of a scrolled area PULL2REFRESH_PULLDOWN=Pull Down to Refresh #YINS,30: Release dragged list to start update request PULL2REFRESH_RELEASE=Release to Refresh #YMSG,25: Refresh request is in process, short text, displayed on all platforms PULL2REFRESH_LOADING=Loading... #YMSG,32: Refresh request is in process, longer text, displayed smaller and only on certain platforms PULL2REFRESH_LOADING_LONG=Please wait, data is loading #XBUT: Button to trigger refresh of the displayed data PULL2REFRESH_REFRESH=Refresh #XBUT: Text displayed on the logout button in the top right corner of the Shell SHELL_LOGOUT=Logout #XBUT: Text for OK button in the personalization dialog PERSODIALOG_OK=OK #XBUT: Text for Cancel button in the personalization dialog PERSODIALOG_CANCEL=Cancel #XTOL: Tooltip for Reset Personalization toolbar button PERSODIALOG_UNDO=Reset Personalization #XTOL: Tooltip for Perso Dialog's 'Move Up' button (displays an 'up' arrow) PERSODIALOG_UP=Move Column Up #XTOL: Tooltip for Perso Dialog's 'Move Down' button (displays a 'down' arrow) PERSODIALOG_DOWN=Move Column Down #XTIT: Title text of personalization dialog for columns PERSODIALOG_COLUMNS_TITLE=Columns #XBUT: Text of personalization dialog for 'Select All' checkbox PERSODIALOG_SELECT_ALL=All #XTIT: Text of personalization dialog for its list to indicate no search hits PERSODIALOG_NO_DATA=No columns found #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE=View Settings #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title when in sort mode VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE_SORT=Sort #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title when in group mode VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE_GROUP=Group #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title when in filter mode VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE_FILTER=Filter #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title when in filter detail mode (an item name is appended to this string) VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE_FILTERBY=Filter By\: #YMSG: Start text for the text representation of the filter state VIEWSETTINGS_FILTERTEXT=Filtered by\: #XBUT: Button to confirm the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_ACCEPT=OK #XBUT: Button to cancel the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: Button to reset filters VIEWSETTINGS_RESET=Reset #XBLI: List item text in the view settings dialog that represents a "none of the above" or "none" selection in a single selection list VIEWSETTINGS_NONE_ITEM=None #XBLI: List item text in the view settings for sorting items in ascending order VIEWSETTINGS_ASCENDING_ITEM=Ascending #XBLI: List item text in the view settings for sorting items in descending order VIEWSETTINGS_DESCENDING_ITEM=Descending #XTOL: Tooltip for the clear filter button VIEWSETTINGS_CLEAR_FILTER_TOOLTIP=Clear All Filters #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog aria label for the sort list VIEWSETTINGS_SORT_DIRECTION=Sort Direction #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog aria label for the group list VIEWSETTINGS_GROUP_DIRECTION=Group Direction #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_SORT_BY=Sort Order #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_SORT_OBJECT=Sort By #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_FILTER_BY=Filter By #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_GROUP_BY=Group Order #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_GROUP_OBJECT=Group By #XLST: Label for the select all checkbox used to select all facet filter items FACETFILTER_CHECKBOX_ALL=All #XLST: All Items in the list with the name of the list as a parameter: ex. Suppliers (All) FACETFILTER_ALL_SELECTED={0} (All) #XFLD: Search field prompt FACETFILTER_SEARCH=Search #XBUT: Either a single filter value or the number of selected values, displayed on facet filter button: ex. Suppliers (Dell) or Suppliers (6) FACETFILTER_ITEM_SELECTION={0} ({1}) #XACT: ARIA announcement for facet filter itself FACETFILTER_ARIA_FACET_FILTER=Facet Filter #XTIT: Light flow facet filter dialog and facet add dialog title FACETFILTER_TITLE=Filter #XBUT: Button to confirm facet filter dialogs FACETFILTER_ACCEPT=OK #XSEL: Infobar filter summary: ex. Filtered by Suppliers (Supplier1, Supplier2) FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_FILTERED_BY=Filtered by {0} ({1}) #XSEL: Infobar filter summary when no filters selected FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_NO_FILTERS=No filters selected #XSEL: Infobar filter add: ex. Filtered by Suppliers (Supplier1, Supplier2) and Items (Item1) FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_AND=and #XSEL: Infobar filter after add: ex. Filtered by Suppliers (Supplier1, Supplier2) and Items (Item1) FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_AFTER_AND={0} ({1}) #XSEL: Alternate infobar filter summary FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_FILTERS_APPLIED=Several filters applied #YMSG: Filter bar msg shown when there are more filters available that cannot be displayed because there is not enough room: ex. 2 More... FACETFILTER_MORE_COUNT={0} more... #YMSG: Message displayed in filter dialog when there are many more filters available but not shown: ex. 76 more available FACETFILTER_FILTERS_HUGE={0} more available #XLNK: Link to allow searching additional filter values from the server FACETFILTER_SERVER_SEARCH=Search Further on Server #XBUT: Button to remove a filter from the filter bar FACETFILTER_REMOVE_FILTER=Remove Filter #XACT: ARIA announcement for the position of the list items in an entire list FACETFILTERLIST_ARIA_POSITION={0} of {1} #XACT: ARIA announcement for the title of the facet filter dialog FACETFILTER_AVAILABLE_FILTER_NAMES=Available Filter Names #YMSG: Message displayed near the list of selection items in the SelectDialg and TableSelectDialog controls. It will be filled with the number of selected items TABLESELECTDIALOG_SELECTEDITEMS=Selected\: {0} #YMSG: Reset button of TableSelectDialog TABLESELECTDIALOG_CLEARBUTTON=Clear #YMSG: Reset button of SelectDialog SELECTDIALOG_CLEARBUTTON=Clear #YMSG: Default placeholder for the input field of a feed FEEDINPUT_PLACEHOLDER=Post something here #XTOL: Tooltip for submit button of a feed input FEEDINPUT_SUBMIT=Submit #XBUT: A link that can be clicked to display more/all items INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_SHOW_ALL=Show All Items #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if one hit INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_ONE_HIT=1 result available #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if more than one hit ({0} is the number of hits) INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_MORE_HITS={0} results are available #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if no hit INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_NO_HIT=No results #XACT: ARIA announcement for the value help INPUT_VALUEHELP=Value help available #XACT: ARIA announcement disabled input (e.g. for value help only) INPUT_DISABLED=Text input disabled #XACT: ARIA announcement for suggestions popup INPUT_AVALIABLE_VALUES=Available Values #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input's value state "Error" INPUTBASE_VALUE_STATE_ERROR=Value State Error #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input's value state "Warning" INPUTBASE_VALUE_STATE_WARNING=Value State Warning #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input's value state "Success" INPUTBASE_VALUE_STATE_SUCCESS=Value State Success #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input's value state "Information" INPUTBASE_VALUE_STATE_INFORMATION=Value State Information #XMSG: Text used for value state error message when an item is already selected VALUE_STATE_ERROR_ALREADY_SELECTED=This value is already selected. #XBUT,10: Tooltip for button to remove facet list FACETFILTER_REMOVE=Remove Facet List #XBUT: ARIA announcement for removable facet FACETFILTER_ARIA_REMOVE=Removable Facet\: Press DELETE to Remove #XBUT: Tooltip for button to add facet filter list FACETFILTER_ADDFACET=Add Filter #XBUT: Tooltip for button to reset filter FACETFILTER_RESET=Reset Filter #XBUT: Tooltip for left scrolling arrow FACETFILTER_PREVIOUS=Previous #XBUT: Tooltip for right scrolling arrow FACETFILTER_NEXT=Next #XLNK: Link to allow the user to see complete feed post TEXT_SHOW_MORE=MORE #XLNK: This link allows the user to hide the complete feed post and display only the first lines TEXT_SHOW_LESS=LESS #XFLD: Label text for number of attachments in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_ATTACHMENTS=Attachments ({0}) #XMSG: Message text for deleting a file in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_DELETE_TEXT=Are you sure you want to delete ''{0}''? #XMSG: Message text for deleting a file in the UploadCollection control without filename UPLOADCOLLECTION_DELETE_WITHOUT_FILENAME_TEXT=Are you sure you want to delete the file? #XMSG: Message title for deleting a file in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_DELETE_TITLE=Delete File #XMSG: Message text for a popup to terminate a file uploading in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_TERMINATE_TEXT=The upload for the following files will be terminated\: #XMSG: Message title for a popup to terminate a file uploading in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_TERMINATE_TITLE=Terminate upload #XMSG: Message text file name already exists in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_EXISTS=File name already exists. #XMSG: Message text informing that a file name must be entered during edit file name in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE_FILENAME=Please enter a file name. #XMSG: Message text for uploading status to the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_UPLOADING=Uploading\: {0} % #XMSG: Message title for the Upload Failed message box UPLOADCOLLECTION_FAILED=Upload failed #XMSG: Message text informing that it is not allowed to upload the selected file(s) (MIME type or file extension not allowed) UPLOADCOLLECTION_MISMATCH=File type is not allowed. #XMSG: Message text informing that upload is completed UPLOADCOLLECTION_UPLOAD_COMPLETED=Upload completed. Please wait for the server to finish processing. #XMSG: Message text informing that only one file can be dropped if uploading multiple files is not allowed UPLOADCOLLECTION_MULTIPLE_FALSE=Please use single drag & drop here. #XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_CANCELBUTTON_TEXT=Cancel #XBUT: Text for OK button in the upload collection in case of Delete Dialog UPLOADCOLLECTION_OKBUTTON_TEXT=OK #XBUT: Text for Rename button in the upload collection in case of renaming a file UPLOADCOLLECTION_RENAMEBUTTON_TEXT=Rename #XBUT: Text for DELETE button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_DELETEBUTTON_TEXT=Delete #XBUT: Text for TERMINATE button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_TERMINATEBUTTON_TEXT=Terminate #XBUT: Text for RENAME button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_EDITBUTTON_TEXT=Rename #XBUT: Text for Add button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_ADD=Add #XBUT: Text for Upload button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_UPLOAD=Upload #XMSG: Message text for no data text in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_NO_DATA_TEXT=No files found. #XMSG: Message text for no data description in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_NO_DATA_DESCRIPTION=Drop files to upload, or use the "+" button. #XMSG: Message text indicating where to drag UPLOADCOLLECTION_DRAG_FILE_INDICATOR=Drag files here #XMSG: Message text indicating where to drop file and upload UPLOADCOLLECTION_DROP_FILE_INDICATOR=Drop files to upload #XTXT: Text for 'Complete' upload state in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_ITEM_COMPLETE_STATE=Complete #XTXT: Text for 'Error' upload state in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_ITEM_ERROR_STATE=Terminated #XTXT: Text for 'Ready' upload state in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_ITEM_READY_STATE=Pending #XTXT: Text for 'Uploading' upload state in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_ITEM_UPLOADING_STATE=Uploading #XBUT: Text for 'Restart' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_RESTART_BUTTON_TEXT=Restart #XBUT: Text for 'Edit' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_EDIT_BUTTON_TEXT=Edit #XBUT: Text for 'Rename' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_RENAME_BUTTON_TEXT=Rename #XBUT: Text for 'Cancel' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT=Cancel #XMSG: Message text informing that a file name must be entered during editing of the file name in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_TYPE_FILE_NAME=Please enter a file name. #XMSG: Message text informning that the file name already exists in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_FILE_NAME_EXISTS=File name already exists. #XBUT: Text for 'Remove' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_DELETE_BUTTON_TEXT=Remove #XBUT: Text for 'Terminate' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_TERMINATE_BUTTON_TEXT=Terminate #XMSG: Message text for removing a file in the upload set without a file name UPLOAD_SET_DELETE_WITHOUT_FILE_NAME_TEXT=Are you sure you want to remove the file? #XMSG: Message text for removing a file in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_DELETE_TEXT=Are you sure you want to remove {0} #XMSG: Message title for removing a file in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_DELETE_TITLE=Remove file #XTIT: Message title for a popup to terminate a file uploading in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_TERMINATE_TITLE=Terminate Upload #XMSG: Message text for a popup to terminate a file uploading in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_TERMINATE_TEXT=The upload of the following files will be terminated\: #XBUT: Text for OK button in the upload set in case of Delete Dialog UPLOAD_SET_OKBUTTON_TEXT=OK #XMSG: Message text informing that upload is completed UPLOAD_SET_UPLOAD_COMPLETED=Upload completed. Please wait for the server to finish processing. #XMSG: Message text for no data text in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_NO_DATA_TEXT=No files found. #XMSG: Message text for no data description in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_NO_DATA_DESCRIPTION=Drop files to upload, or use the "+" button. #XTIT: Predefined text for title in the personalization dialog - Settings for the view ('view' here is a noun). P13NDIALOG_VIEW_SETTINGS=View Settings #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only filter panel P13NDIALOG_TITLE_FILTER=Define Filters #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only sort panel P13NDIALOG_TITLE_SORT=Define Sorting #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only group panel P13NDIALOG_TITLE_GROUP=Define Groups #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only columns panel P13NDIALOG_TITLE_COLUMNS=Define Column Properties #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only panel for dimensions and measures P13NDIALOG_TITLE_DIMEASURE=Define Chart Properties #XBUT: Text for OK button in the personalization dialog P13NDIALOG_OK=OK #XBUT: Text for Cancel button in the personalization dialog P13NDIALOG_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: Text for Reset button in the personalization dialog P13NDIALOG_RESET=Restore #XTIT: Text for Fix button in ValidationDialog P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_FIX=Fix #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined title for warning P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_TITLE=Warning #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined title for error P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_TITLE_ERROR=Error #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined message P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_MESSAGE=Some filter values are missing or incorrect #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined message for columns panel P13NDIALOG_VISIBLE_ITEMS_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE=Selecting a large number of columns can slow down the performance #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined message for P13nDimMeasure P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_CHARTTYPE=The dimensions and measures you have selected cannot be used with this chart type #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined question an the end P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_MESSAGE_QUESTION=Do you want to correct your entries? #XTIT: on some personalization panels "(none)" as 'column key' means that no criteria was defined P13NDIALOG_SELECTION_NONE=(none) #XTIT: Filterpanel predefined title for Include filter FILTERPANEL_INCLUDES=Include #XTIT: Filterpanel predefined title for Exclude filter FILTERPANEL_EXCLUDES=Exclude #XTIT: Text for title 'Filter' in the personalization dialog FILTERPANEL_TITLE=Filter #XTIT: Text for title 'Sort' in the personalization dialog SORTPANEL_TITLE=Sort #XTIT: Text for title 'Group' in the personalization dialog GROUPPANEL_TITLE=Group #XFLD: Label text for combobox control CONDITIONPANEL_FIELD_LABEL=Field\: #XFLD: Label text for select control CONDITIONPANEL_OPERATOR_LABEL=Operator\: #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONBT=between #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONEQ=equal to #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONContains=contains #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONGT=greater than #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONGE=greater than or equal to #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONLT=less than #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONLE=less than or equal to #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONInitial=initial #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONStartsWith=starts with #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONEndsWith=ends with #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONAscending=Ascending #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONDescending=Descending #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONGroupAscending=Ascending #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONGroupDescending=Descending #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONTotal=Total #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONAverage=Average #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONMinimum=Minimum #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONMaximum=Maximum #XTIT: ConditionPanel Empty CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONEmpty=empty #XTIT: ConditionPanel NotEmpty CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONNotEmpty=not empty #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_BT=between #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_EQ=equal to #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_GT=after #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_GE=on or after #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_LT=before #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_LE=before or on #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_BT=between #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_EQ=equal to #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_GT=greater than #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_GE=greater than or equal to #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_LT=less than #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_LE=less than or equal to #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option Label CONDITIONPANEL_LABELFROM=from #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option Label CONDITIONPANEL_LABELTO=to #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option Label CONDITIONPANEL_LABELVALUE=Value #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option Label CONDITIONPANEL_LABELGROUPING=Show Field as Column #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_TOOLTIP=Add New Line #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_TOOLTIP=Remove line #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_FILTER_TOOLTIP=Add Filter #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_FILTER_TOOLTIP=Remove Filter #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_SORT_TOOLTIP=Add Sort Criterion #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_SORT_TOOLTIP=Remove Sort Criterion #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_GROUP_TOOLTIP=Add Grouping Criterion #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_GROUP_TOOLTIP=Remove Grouping Criterion #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_CONDITION_TOOLTIP=Add Condition #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_CONDITION_TOOLTIP=Remove Condition #XBUT: ConditionPanel predefined text for remove all button CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_ALL=Remove All #XTIT: ConditionPanel predefined field warning hint CONDITIONPANEL_FIELDMESSAGE=Enter valid value #XTIT: Text for title 'Chart' in the personalization dialog CHARTPANEL_TITLE=Chart #XTIT: Text for title 'Columns' in the personalization dialog COLUMSPANEL_TITLE=Columns #XBUT: ColumnsPanel Show All button COLUMNSPANEL_SHOW_ALL=Show all #XBUT: ColumnsPanel Show Selected button COLUMNSPANEL_SHOW_SELECTED=Show Selected #XLST: ColumnsPanel Select All label COLUMNSPANEL_SELECT_ALL=Select All #XLST: ColumnsPanel Select All label COLUMNSPANEL_SELECT_ALL_WITH_COUNTER=Select All ({0}/{1}) #XTOL: Tooltip for MOVE: ToStart button COLUMNSPANEL_MOVE_TO_TOP=Move to Top #XTOL: Tooltip for MOVE: Up button COLUMNSPANEL_MOVE_UP=Move Up #XTOL: Tooltip for MOVE: Down button COLUMNSPANEL_MOVE_DOWN=Move Down #XTOL: Tooltip for MOVE: ToEnd button COLUMNSPANEL_MOVE_TO_BOTTOM=Move to Bottom #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Type caption COLUMNSPANEL_COLUMN_TYPE=Type #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Type COLUMNSPANEL_TYPE_DIMENSION=Dimension #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Type COLUMNSPANEL_TYPE_MEASURE=Measure #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role caption COLUMNSPANEL_COLUMN_ROLE=Role #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_CATEGORY=Category #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_CATEGORY2=Category 2 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_SERIES=Series #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_AXIS1=Axis 1 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_AXIS2=Axis 2 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_AXIS3=Axis 3 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_AXIS4=Axis 4 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Type COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTTYPE=Chart Type #XFLD: Subtle link description label LINK_SUBTLE=Subtle #XFLD: Emphasized link description label LINK_EMPHASIZED=Emphasized #XACT: ARIA announcement for the search field F5 keyboard shortcut SEARCHFIELD_ARIA_F5=Press F5 to refresh #XACT: ARIA announcement for the F4 value help keyboard shortcut VALUEHELP_ARIA_F4=Press F4 to open a value help dialog. #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectNumber's value state "Error" OBJECTNUMBER_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_ERROR=Value State Error #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectNumber's value state "Warning" OBJECTNUMBER_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_WARNING=Value State Warning #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectNumber's value state "Success" OBJECTNUMBER_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_SUCCESS=Value State Success #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectNumber's value state "Information" OBJECTNUMBER_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_INFORMATION=Value State Information #XACT: ARIA text for tab separator icons ICONTABBAR_NEXTSTEP=Next Step #XACT: ARIA text for positive icon color ICONTABBAR_ICONCOLOR_POSITIVE=Positive #XACT: ARIA text for critical icon color ICONTABBAR_ICONCOLOR_CRITICAL=Critical #XACT: ARIA text for negative icon color ICONTABBAR_ICONCOLOR_NEGATIVE=Negative #XACT: ARIA text of current selected value vs. max. possible value of the RatingIndicator control RATING_VALUEARIATEXT={0} of {1} #XACT: ARIA description of the RatingIndicator control RATING_ARIA_NAME=Rating #XACT: ARIA description for ObjectHeader and ObjectListItem`s favorite property ARIA_FAVORITE_MARK_VALUE=Favorite #XACT: ARIA description for ObjectHeader and ObjectListItem`s flag property ARIA_FLAG_MARK_VALUE=Flag #XACT: ARIA description for ObjectHeader icon infront of the title when it's active OH_ARIA_ICON=Icon #XACT: ARIA description for Shell logo SHELL_ARIA_LOGO=Logo #XTXT: MessagePage text MESSAGE_PAGE_TEXT=No matching items found. #XTXT: MessagePage description MESSAGE_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=Check the filter settings #XFLD: Token number indicator which is used to show more tokens in Tokenizers inside MultiInput and MultiComboBox MULTIINPUT_SHOW_MORE_TOKENS={0} more #XFLD: Token number indicator which is used to show all tokens in Tokenizer when all of the tokens are hidden TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEM={0} Item #XFLD: Token number indicator which is used to show all tokens in Tokenizer when all of the tokens are hidden TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEMS={0} Items #XACT: ARIA announcement for tokens TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_TOKEN=May contain tokens #XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer with 1 token TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_ONE_TOKEN=Contains 1 token #XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer with n tokens TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_SEVERAL_TOKENS=Contains {0} tokens #XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer label TOKENIZER_ARIA_LABEL=Tokenizer #XACT: ARIA announcement for token label TOKEN_ARIA_LABEL=Token #XACT: ARIA announcement for token deletable TOKEN_ARIA_DELETABLE=Deletable #XACT: ARIA announcement for token selected TOKEN_ARIA_SELECTED=Selected #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectListItem unread mark OBJECTLISTITEM_ARIA_UNREAD_VALUE=Unread #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectListItem locked mark OBJECTLISTITEM_ARIA_LOCKED_MARK_VALUE=Locked #XBUT: MessagePopover predefined text for CLOSE action MESSAGEPOPOVER_CLOSE=Close #XBUT: MessagePopover predefined text for All Button MESSAGEPOPOVER_ALL=All #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessagePopover back buttons tooltip MESSAGEPOPOVER_ARIA_BACK_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Back to Messages #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessagePopover back buttons MESSAGEPOPOVER_ARIA_BACK_BUTTON=Message Details #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessagePopover heading MESSAGEPOPOVER_ARIA_HEADING=Messages #XTOL: Message view error button tooltip MESSAGEVIEW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_ERROR=Error #XTOL: Message view success button tooltip MESSAGEVIEW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_SUCCESS=Success #XTOL: Message view warning button tooltip MESSAGEVIEW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_WARNING=Warning #XTOL: Message view information button tooltip MESSAGEVIEW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_INFORMATION=Information #XACT: ARIA announcement for the accept button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_ACCEPT=Positive Action #XACT: ARIA announcement for the reject button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_REJECT=Negative Action #XACT: ARIA announcement for the emphasized button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_EMPHASIZED=Emphasized #XACT: ARIA text for position markers CAROUSEL_POSITION=Item {0} of {1} displayed #XTXT: Text between numbers in the numeric page indicator CAROUSEL_PAGE_INDICATOR_TEXT={0} of {1} #XTXT: Error message for Carousel when no pages are loaded due to any reason. CAROUSEL_ERROR_MESSAGE=The content could not be loaded. #XTXT: colon separator COLON=\: #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Edit button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_EDIT=Edit #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Save button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SAVE=Save #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Delete button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_DELETE=Delete #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Cancel button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Approve button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_APPROVE=Approve #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Reject button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_REJECT=Reject #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Forward button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FORWARD=Forward #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Open in button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_OPEN_IN=Open in... #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Sort button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SORT=Sort #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Filter button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FILTER=Filter #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Group button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_GROUP=Group #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Flag button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FLAG=Flag #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Favorite button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FAVORITE=Favorite #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Add button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ADD=Add #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Send Email button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SEND_EMAIL=Send E-Mail #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Discuss in SAP Jam button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_DISCUSS_IN_JAM=Discuss in SAP Jam #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Share in SAP Jam button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SHARE_IN_JAM=Share on SAP Jam #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Send Message button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SEND_MESSAGE=Send Message #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Save as Tile button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SAVE_AS_TILE=Save as Tile #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Print button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_PRINT=Print #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Multi select button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_MULTI_SELECT=Multiple Selection #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Multi select cancel button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_MULTI_SELECT_CANCEL=Cancel Multiple Selection #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Message indicator button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_MESSAGES_INDICATOR=Messages #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Share button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ACTION_SHARE=Share #XTXT: sap.m.semantic.DetailPage title SEMANTIC_DETAIL_PAGE_TITLE=Details #XTXT: sap.m.semantic.MasterPage title SEMANTIC_MASTER_PAGE_TITLE=Master #XFLD: sap.m.DraftIndicator Saving Draft indicator text DRAFT_INDICATOR_SAVING_DRAFT=Saving draft... #XFLD: sap.m.DraftIndicator Draft saved indicator text DRAFT_INDICATOR_DRAFT_SAVED=Draft saved #XBUT: Wizard predefined text for Cancel button WIZARD_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: Wizard predefined text for Next button WIZARD_NEXT=Next #XBUT: Wizard predefined text for Finish button WIZARD_FINISH=Review #XACT: Aria information for the Date Picker DATEPICKER_DATE_TYPE=Date #XBUT: Date Selection button text of Date Picker control DATEPICKER_SELECTION_CONFIRM=OK #XBUT: Cancel/Close button text of Date Picker control DATEPICKER_SELECTION_CANCEL=Cancel #XACT: WizardProgressNavigator selected step WIZARD_PROG_NAV_SELECTED=Selected #XACT: WizardProgressNavigator processed step WIZARD_PROG_NAV_PROCESSED=Processed #XACT: WizardProgressNavigator predefined text for step WIZARD_PROG_NAV_STEP_TITLE=Step #XBUT: Wizard predefined text for Step button WIZARD_STEP=Step #XACT: Aria label for the wizard WIZARD_LABEL=Wizard #XTOL: Tooltip for the flag icon inside sap.m.ObjectHeader, showing that the item is flagged TOOLTIP_OH_FLAG_MARK_VALUE=Flagged #XTOL: Tooltip for the favorite icon inside sap.m.ObjectHeader, showing that the item is favorite TOOLTIP_OH_FAVORITE_MARK_VALUE=Favorite #XTOL: Tooltip for the select title arrow inside sap.m.ObjectHeader OH_SELECT_ARROW_TOOLTIP=Related Options #XTXT: Text value for marker type Flag OM_FLAG=Flagged #XTXT: Text value for marker type Favorite OM_FAVORITE=Favorite #XTXT: Text value for marker type Draft OM_DRAFT=Draft #XTXT: Text value for marker type Locked OM_LOCKED=Locked #XTXT: Text value for marker type LockedBy that shows who has locked the object, e.g. Locked by {User name} OM_LOCKED_BY=Locked by {0} #XTXT: Text value for marker type Locked by another user OM_LOCKED_BY_ANOTHER_USER=Locked by another user #XTXT: Text value for marker type Unsaved Changes OM_UNSAVED=Unsaved Changes #XTXT: Text value for marker type UnsavedBy Changes that shows who has unsaved changes, e.g. Unsaved Changes by {User name} OM_UNSAVED_BY=Unsaved Changes by {0} #XTXT: Text value for marker type Unsaved by another user OM_UNSAVED_BY_ANOTHER_USER=Unsaved changes by another user #XTOL: Tooltip for "Send SMS" in QuickView QUICKVIEW_SEND_SMS=Send SMS #XTXT: Text for character left TEXTAREA_CHARACTER_LEFT={0} character remaining #XTXT: Text for characters left TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_LEFT={0} characters remaining #XTXT: Text for character over TEXTAREA_CHARACTER_EXCEEDED={0} character over limit #XTXT: Text for characters over TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_EXCEEDED={0} characters over limit #XTOL: Tooltip for the flag icon inside sap.m.ObjectListItem, showing that the item is flagged TOOLTIP_OLI_FLAG_MARK_VALUE=Flagged #XTOL: Tooltip for the favorite icon inside sap.m.ObjectListItem, showing that the item is favorite TOOLTIP_OLI_FAVORITE_MARK_VALUE=Favorite #XTOL: Tooltip for the locked icon inside sap.m.ObjectListItem, showing that the item is locked TOOLTIP_OLI_LOCK_MARK_VALUE=Locked #XBUT: Time Selection button text of Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_SET=OK #XBUT: Cancel/Close button text of Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_CANCEL=Cancel #YACT: ARIA tag of Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_SCREENREADER_TAG=Time Picker #YACT: ARIA tag of Time Picker control with format as placeholder TIMEPICKER_WITH_PH_SCREENREADER_TAG=Time Picker in format {0} #XFLD: Label of the hours value slider inside a Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_LBL_HOURS=Hours #XFLD: Label of the minutes value slider inside a Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_LBL_MINUTES=Minutes #XFLD: Label of the seconds value slider inside a Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_LBL_SECONDS=Seconds #XFLD: Label of the am/pm value slider inside a Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_LBL_AMPM=AM/PM #XACT: Text announced by the screen reader, when TimePicker' popover opens TIMEPICKER_SET_TIME=Set time #XACT: ARIA label for Breadcrumbs BREADCRUMB_LABEL=Breadcrumb Trail #XTOL: Tooltip text for Breadcrumbs select BREADCRUMB_SELECT_TOOLTIP=More #XACT: Unread status of Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_UNREAD=Notification unread. #XACT: Read status of Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_READ=Notification read. #XACT: ARIA text for datetime and priority NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_DATETIME_PRIORITY=Due in {0}, {1} Priority. #XFLD: text that will be displayed when tile failed to load INFOTILE_CANNOT_LOAD_TILE=Cannot load tile #XFLD: text that will be read while tile is loading INFOTILE_LOADING=Loading #XTXT: text for critical color SEMANTIC_COLOR_CRITICAL=Warning #XTXT: text for good color SEMANTIC_COLOR_GOOD=Good #XTXT: text for neutral color SEMANTIC_COLOR_NEUTRAL=Neutral #XTXT: text for error color SEMANTIC_COLOR_ERROR=Critical #XTOL: NUMERICCONTENT_DEVIATION_UP=Ascending #XTOL: NUMERICCONTENT_DEVIATION_DOWN=Descending #YACT: ARIA tag of MaskInput control MASKINPUT_SCREENREADER_TAG=Masked #YACT: ARIA description of MaskInput control MASKINPUT_SCREENREADER_DESCRIPTION=When focused, the masked input field is formatted and prefilled. The {0} symbol is reserved for a placeholder. The value that has to be entered in this field is in the following format {1} where every symbol corresponds to a rule. A rule is a set of characters that are allowed for their particular position. Symbols that do not have a rule are immutable characters and are part of the value formatting. #XACT: ARIA scroll back button for tabstrip TABSTRIP_SCROLL_BACK=Scroll Back #XACT: ARIA scroll forward button for tabstrip TABSTRIP_SCROLL_FORWARD=Scroll Forward #XACT: ARIA static text for modified tabstrip item TABSTRIP_ITEM_MODIFIED=Unsaved #XACT: ARIA static text for not-modified tabstrip item TABSTRIP_ITEM_NOT_MODIFIED=Saved #XACT: ARIA static text for closable tabstrip item TABSTRIP_ITEM_CLOSABLE=Closable #XFLD: Footer text for TileContent TILECONTENT_FOOTER_TEXT={0}, {1} #XBUT: Button text for collapsing the Notification List Group NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_COLLAPSE=Collapse Group #XBUT: Button text for expanding the Notification List Group NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_EXPAND=Expand Group #XACT: ARIA add new tab button for tabstrip TABCONTAINER_ADD_NEW_TAB=Add New Tab #XACT: ARIA dropdown button for tabstrip TABSTRIP_OPENED_TABS=Opened Tabs #XTOL: Tooltip of close tab strip item button TABSTRIP_ITEM_CLOSE_BTN=Close #XBUT: Button text for expanding a Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_SHOW_MORE=Show More #XBUT: Button text for collapsing a Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_SHOW_LESS=Show Less #XBUT: Date button of DateTimePicker on small screens DATETIMEPICKER_DATE=Date #XBUT: Time button of DateTimePicker on small screens DATETIMEPICKER_TIME=Time #XACT: Aria information for the Date Time Picker DATETIMEPICKER_TYPE=Date and Time #XACT SinglePlanningCalendar control name SPC_CONTROL_NAME=Single planning calendar #XACT SinglePlanningCalendar actions toolbar accessibility description SPC_ACTIONS_TOOLBAR=Single planning calendar actions #XACT SinglePlanningCalendar navigation toolbar accessibility description SPC_NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR=Single planning calendar navigation #XACT PlanningCalendarHeader's datepicker accessibility announcement PCH_SELECT_RANGE=Select range #XACT Announcement for the popover of PlanningCalendarHeader's datepicker PCH_RANGE_PICKER=Range picker #XACT PlanningCalendarHeader "today" button announcement PCH_NAVIGATE_TO_TODAY=Navigate to the current day #XACT Announcement for the "Previous" icon-button in PlanningCalendarHeader PCH_NAVIGATE_BACKWARDS=Navigate backwards #XACT Announcement for the "Next" icon-button in PlanningCalendarHeader PCH_NAVIGATE_FORWARD=Navigate forward #XACT Announcement for the Blockers area in SinglePlanningCalendar SPC_BLOCKERS=Blockers #XACT Announcement for the Appointments area in SinglePlanningCalendar SPC_APPOINTMENTS=Appointments #XLNK Text for the link when we have more Appointments for a day in month view in SinglePlanningCalendar SPC_MORE_LINK={0} more #XACT: PlanningCalendar accessibility description PLANNINGCALENDAR=Planning calendar #XACT PlanningCalendar functions toolbar accessibility description PC_FUNCTIONS_TOOLBAR=Planning calendar functions #XACT PlanningCalendar interval accessibility description PC_INTERVAL_TOOLBAR=Planning calendar interval #XACT PlanningCalendar interval selection accessibility description PC_INTERVAL_SELECTION_TOOLBAR=Planning calendar interval selection #XACT: PlanningCalendar view selector accessibility description PLANNINGCALENDAR_VIEW=View calendar by #XFLD: Name of the "Hours" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_HOURS=Hours #XFLD: Name of the "Days" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_DAYS=Days #XFLD: Name of the "Months" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_MONTHS=Months #XFLD: Name of the "Week" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_WEEK=1 Week #XFLD: Name of the "OneMonth" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_ONE_MONTH=1 Month #XBUT: Today button of PlanningCalendar and SinglePlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_TODAY=Today #XFLD: Text for all day event PLANNINGCALENDAR_ALLDAY=All Day #XFLD: Text for event with no starting time PLANNINGCALENDAR_UNTIL=until {0} #XFLD: Text for a placeholder row when there are no appointments PLANNINGCALENDAR_ROW_NO_APPOINTMENTS=No Entries #XTOL: Tool tip for nextButton of the PagingButton PAGINGBUTTON_NEXT=Next Page #XTOL: Tool tip for nextButton of the PagingButton PAGINGBUTTON_PREVIOUS=Previous Page #XBUT: Text and number of selected items for toolbar button of SelectionDetails SELECTIONDETAILS_BUTTON_TEXT_WITH_NUMBER=Details ({0}) #XBUT: Text for toolbar button of SelectionDetails SELECTIONDETAILS_BUTTON_TEXT=Details #XBUT: Text for ok button in the suggestion popover SUGGESTIONSPOPOVER_CLOSE_BUTTON=OK ############# #Translatable Control Types and States for ACC ############# #XACT: type of an UI control is an input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_INPUT=Input #XACT: type of an UI control is a input field (which allows setting multiple values) ACC_CTR_TYPE_MULTIINPUT=Multi Input #XACT: type of an UI control is a date input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_DATEINPUT=Date Input #XACT: type of an UI control is a time input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_TIMEINPUT=Time Input #XACT: type of an UI control is a date and time input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_DATETIMEINPUT=Date/Time Input #XACT: type of an UI control is a rating indicator ACC_CTR_TYPE_RATING=Rating #XACT: type of an UI control is a button ACC_CTR_TYPE_BUTTON=Button #XACT: type of an UI control is a link ACC_CTR_TYPE_LINK=Link #XACT: type of an UI control is an image ACC_CTR_TYPE_IMAGE=Image #XACT: type of an UI control is a checkbox ACC_CTR_TYPE_CHECKBOX=Checkbox #XACT: type of an UI control is a radiobutton ACC_CTR_TYPE_RADIO=Radio Button #XACT: type of of an UI control is a progress indicator ACC_CTR_TYPE_PROGRESS=Progress #XACT: type of an UI control is a combobox ACC_CTR_TYPE_COMBO=Combo Box #XACT: type of of an UI control is a combobox (which allows multi selection) ACC_CTR_TYPE_MULTICOMBO=Multi Combo Box #XACT: type of of an UI control is a list ACC_CTR_TYPE_LIST=List Box #XACT: type of of an UI control is a list item ACC_CTR_TYPE_OPTION=List Item #XACT: type of of an UI control is a tree ACC_CTR_TYPE_TREE=Tree #XACT: type of of an UI control is a tree item ACC_CTR_TYPE_TREEITEM=Tree Item #XACT: type of of an UI control is a table ACC_CTR_TYPE_TABLE=Table #XACT: type of of an UI control is a table row ACC_CTR_TYPE_ROW=Row #XACT: ARIA announcement for the header row of the table ACC_CTR_TYPE_HEADER_ROW=Header Row #XACT: ARIA announcement for the footer row of the table ACC_CTR_TYPE_FOOTER_ROW=Footer Row #XACT: "pressed" state of e.g. a togglebutton which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_PRESSED=Pressed #XACT: "checked" state of e.g. a checkbox, switch which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_CHECKED=Checked #XACT: "not checked" state of e.g. a checkbox, switch which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_NOT_CHECKED=Not Checked #XACT: state (current and max. value) of a rating indicator which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_RATING={0} out of {1} #XACT: progress state of a progress indicator which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_PROGRESS={0} % ############# #XACT: Aria information for the Split Button SPLIT_BUTTON_DESCRIPTION=Split Button #XACT: Tooltip for the arrow button SPLIT_BUTTON_ARROW_TOOLTIP=Open Menu #XACT: Aria hint for the keyboard handling support of the Split Button SPLIT_BUTTON_KEYBOARD_HINT=Press Enter to trigger action and Arrow Down to open menu #XTOL: Tooltip text for back button inside a Menu Page MENU_PAGE_BACK_BUTTON=Back to #XBUT: Menu predefined text for CLOSE action MENU_CLOSE=Cancel #XBUT: Button text for closing a Notification List Base control NOTIFICATION_LIST_BASE_CLOSE=Close #XBUT: No grouping item in ViewSettingsPopover NO_GROUPING=No Grouping #XBUT: No filtering item in ViewSettingsPopover REMOVE_FILTER=Remove Filter #XBUT: ARIA-LabelledBy for ViewSettingsPopover ARIA_LABELLED_BY_POPOVER=Column View Settings #XBUT: Show selected only for ViewSettingsPopover SHOW_SELECTED_ONLY=Show Selected Only #XBUT: No sorting item in ViewSettingsPopover NO_SORTING=No Sorting #YACT: ARIA information about multiple content within the SlideTile SLIDETILE_MULTIPLE_CONTENT=Element with multiple content #YACT: ARIA information about toggle sliding within the SlideTile SLIDETILE_TOGGLE_SLIDING=To toggle sliding, press space bar #YACT: ARIA information how to activate the SlideTile SLIDETILE_ACTIVATE=To activate, press enter #YACT: ARIA information how to scroll back in the SlideTile SLIDETILE_SCROLL_BACK=To scroll back, press B #YACT: ARIA information how to to scroll forward in the SlideTile SLIDETILE_SCROLL_FORWARD=To scroll forward, press F #XACT: ARIA ARIA-LabelledBy for the entire range handler in RangeSlider SLIDER_HANDLE=Slider Handle #XACT: ARIA announcement for the range in RangeSlider RANGE_SLIDER_RANGE_ANNOUNCEMENT=From {0} to {1} #XACT: ARIA ARIA-LabelledBy for the left handle and tooltip in RangeSlider RANGE_SLIDER_LEFT_HANDLE=Left Handle #XACT: ARIA ARIA-LabelledBy for the right handle and tooltip in RangeSlider RANGE_SLIDER_RIGHT_HANDLE=Right Handle #XACT: ARIA ARIA-LabelledBy for the entire range handler in RangeSlider RANGE_SLIDER_RANGE_HANDLE=Range #XACT: ARIA ARIA-DescribedBy for inputs as tooltips SLIDER_INPUT_TOOLTIP=Press F2 to go to input tooltip #XBUT: Button text for close button in the LightBox LIGHTBOX_CLOSE_BUTTON=Close #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back HEADERCONTAINER_BUTTON_PREV_SECTION=Previous #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll forward HEADERCONTAINER_BUTTON_NEXT_SECTION=Next #XTXT: Error message for LightBox image not loaded due to timeout. LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_TIMED_OUT=Image could not be loaded #XTXT: Error message for LightBox image not loaded due to timeout detailed message. LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_TIMED_OUT_DETAILS=This image is too big to load right now. Please try again later. #XTXT: Error message for LightBox image not loaded. LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_ERROR=An error has occurred. #XTXT: Error message for LightBox image not loaded due to timeout detailed message. LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_ERROR_DETAILS=We could not find the image at the specified location, or the server is not responding. #XACT: ARIA announcement for enlarged image LIGHTBOX_ARIA_ENLARGED=Enlarged image of {0} {1} #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the DEL key for removing a tile TILE_REMOVE_BY_DEL_KEY=Press delete key to remove the item. #XACT: ARIA text for GenericTile in actions scope GENERICTILE_ACTIONS_ARIA_TEXT=Removable tile #XTOL: Tooltip for REMOVE button in the GenericTile GENERICTILE_REMOVEBUTTON_TEXT=Remove #XTXT: Reached maximum number of notifications in NotificationListGroup title NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS_TITLE=There are {0} more notifications #XTXT: Reached maximum number of notifications in NotificationListGroup NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS_BODY=You need to close or take action on the listed notifications to display more. #XTOL: Tooltip of the button for increasing for example the quantity of a product inside shopping-cart application STEP_INPUT_INCREASE_BTN=Increase #XTOL: Tooltip of the button for decreasing for example the quantity of a product inside shopping-cart application STEP_INPUT_DECREASE_BTN=Decrease #XACT: Object Status control name OBJECT_STATUS=Object Status #XACT: Object Status icon announcement OBJECT_STATUS_ICON=Status Icon #XACT: ARIA role for the control Object Identifier OI_ARIA_ROLE=Object Identifier #XACT:Author of Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_CREATED_BY=Created By #XACT: Unread status of Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_UNREAD=Notification group unread. #XACT: Read status of Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_READ=Notification group read. #XACT: Aria label for Table select all CheckBox TABLE_CHECKBOX_SELECT_ALL=Select all rows #XACT: Aria role description for Table TABLE_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Tabular List #XACT: Aria role description for the row extension (popin, addon) in the table. TABLE_POPIN_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Tabular List Row Extension #XBUT: Pdf viewer's popup close button PDF_VIEWER_POPUP_CLOSE_BUTTON=Close #XTXT: Pdf viewer's download link PDF_VIEWER_DOWNLOAD_TEXT=Download #XTXT: Text in error placeholder of pdf viewer PDF_VIEWER_PLACEHOLDER_ERROR_TEXT=The PDF file could not be loaded. #XACT: PDF viewer's accessibility label PDF_VIEWER_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL=PDF Viewer #XTIT: PDF viewer's message box header for source validation error PDF_VIEWER_SOURCE_VALIDATION_MESSAGE_HEADER=Source Validation Error #XMSG: PDF viewer's message box text for source validation error PDF_VIEWER_SOURCE_VALIDATION_MESSAGE_TEXT=Could not validate the source of the file. Show the file anyway? #XBUT: MultiEditField prefilled Item keep MULTI_EDIT_KEEP_TEXT=Keep Existing Values #XBUT: MultiEditField prefilled Item blank MULTI_EDIT_BLANK_TEXT=Leave Blank #XBUT: MultiEditField prefilled Item new MULTI_EDIT_NEW_TEXT=Use Value Help #XTXT: Text representing the Select's picker title text SELECT_PICKER_TITLE_TEXT=Select #XBUT: ActionSelect Picker Tutor Message ACTION_SELECT_TUTOR_MESSAGE=To reach available actions, press TAB #XTXT: Text representing the WizardStep's optional step label WIZARD_STEP_OPTIONAL_STEP_TEXT=Optional #XTIT: The title of ColorPalette when wrapped in the popover COLOR_PALETTE_TITLE=Color Palette #XTIT: The title of the SWATCH Container in the CollorPalette COLOR_PALETTE_SWATCH_CONTAINER_TITLE=Color Palette - Predefined Colors #XBUT: The cancel button in ColorPalette COLOR_PALETTE_CANCEL=Cancel #XBUT: ColorPalette "Default color" action text COLOR_PALETTE_DEFAULT_COLOR=Default Color #XBUT: ColorPalette "More Colors..." action text COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS=More Colors... #XTIT: ColorPalette title of the "Color Picker" that opens upon "More colors..." click COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_TITLE=Change Color #XBUT: The confirm button in Color Picker that is opened upon "More colors..." click COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_CONFIRM=OK #XBUT: The cancel button in Color Picker that is opened upon "More colors..." click COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_CANCEL=Cancel #XTXT: The aria info about the predefined color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR=Color {0}\: {1} #XTXT: The aria info about the predefined color if it is a custom one (not amongst list of predefined ones) COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_CUSTOM=Custom #XTOL: Gold color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_GOLD=Gold #XTOL: Dark orange color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKORANGE=Dark Orange #XTOL: Indian red color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_INDIANRED=Indian Red #XTOL: Dark magenta color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKMAGENTA=Dark Magenta #XTOL: Cornflower blue color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_CORNFLOWERBLUE=Cornflower Blue #XTOL: Deep sky blue color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DEEPSKYBLUE=Deep Sky Blue #XTOL: Dark cyan color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKCYAN=Dark Cyan #XTOL: Olive drab color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_OLIVEDRAB=Olive Drab #XTOL: Dark slate gray color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKSLATEGRAY=Dark Slate Gray #XTOL: Azure color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_AZURE=Azure #XTOL: White color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_WHITE=White #XTOL: Light gray color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_LIGHTGRAY=Light Gray #XTOL: Dark gray color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKGRAY=Dark Gray #XTOL: Dim gray color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DIMGRAY=Dim Gray #XTOL: Black color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_BLACK=Black #XTOL: Tooltip for panel expand title PANEL_ICON=Expand/Collapse #XACT: SearchField search button default tooltip SEARCHFIELD_SEARCH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Search #XACT: SearchField reset button default tooltip SEARCHFIELD_RESET_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Reset #XACT: SearchField refresh button default tooltip SEARCHFIELD_REFRESH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Refresh #XTOL: Tooltip of messgae strip close button MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSE_BUTTON=Message Strip Close #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Error" state MESSAGE_STRIP_ERROR=Message Strip Error #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Warning" state MESSAGE_STRIP_WARNING=Message Strip Warning #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Success" state MESSAGE_STRIP_SUCCESS=Message Strip Success #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Information" state MESSAGE_STRIP_INFORMATION=Message Strip Information #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's closable state MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSABLE=Closable #XACT: GenericTag Roledescription GENERICTAG_ROLEDESCRIPTION=Object Tag #XACT: ARIA announcement for the GenericTag's value state "Error" GENERICTAG_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_ERROR=Value State Error #XACT: ARIA announcement for the GenericTag's value state "Warning" GENERICTAG_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_WARNING=Value State Warning #XACT: ARIA announcement for the GenericTag's value state "Success" GENERICTAG_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_SUCCESS=Value State Success #XACT: ARIA announcement for the GenericTag's value state "Information" GENERICTAG_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_INFORMATION=Value State Information #XBUT: sap.m.QuickViewCard "Card" aria-roledescription text ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_CARD=Card