title=Set new password appTitle=Set new password appDescription=App Description ServerError=Your User was disabled, because of too many requests PersonLocked=Too many failed attempts, contact your HR department. ErrorRequest=Wrong Request. Is your Pin wrong? manual=Manual Pernr=Personnel number GebDat=Birth date PinC=Pin-Code ValidatePin=Check PIN Password=Password Success_PIN=PIN successfull verified Success_Password=Password resetted MessageHeaderError=An error occured ErrorCondition=Not all conditions for the password are fullfilled Password_Repeat=Password Repetition BigAndShort=Uppercase and lowercase letters LetterAndNumber=at least 2 letters and 1 digit SpecialCharacter=at least 1 special character FirstSign=No ? or ! on the first place MinimumEight=at least 8 characters PWAccordance=passwords are equal PasswordCheck=Password Check Create=Create new Password PINCodeLost=I have lost my PIN-Code. How do I get another one? PINCodeExplanation=What is a PIN-Code? furtherInformation=Further information videoExplanation=video explanation PasswordInfo=At Password allocation to consider PasswordInfo1=The new password must differentiate from the last 10 passwords PasswordInfo2=Some password are invalid. So for example three consecutive same signs and month names are not allowed (e. g. ball0001, schifffahrt01, juni2017) ChangePassword=Change password startInput=Start PIN-Code input forward=Next PernrPlease=Please enter a Personal number BirthdatePlease=Please select the date of birth from the calendar PinPlease=Please enter the PIN-Code WrongDate=Please provide a valid date